The Heidelberg Certificate
With a successfully completed Heidelberg Neural Therapy Certificate, you prove your knowledge and skills
in therapy with local anesthetics (neural therapy).
Requirements for obtaining the certificate:
- proof of min. 55 units of advanced training in neural therapy
(of which at least 30 UE basic courses) from the University of Heidelberg, the DGfAN eV, the ÖNR or the BNR (Turkey). Courses of other member companies of IFMANT eV are recognized on application with up to 30 UE. - Participation in an internship course of at least 10 units, eg GK4 and the successfully completed exam.
The scope and content of the Heidelberg Neural Therapy Certificate corresponds to the basic certificate of the DGfAN eV and is recognized by this association for the continuation of further training to become a Master of Neural Therapy (150 hours).